Saturday, April 13, 2013


Hello to everyone of my pack mates. I'm happy to hear you are finding this site ok. i will allow you to post comments. Though you must be a member for it to work. Please sign up.
Elaina E'Lyn  

Hello again. I am please to see my page views are sky rocketing. thank you all so very much for your dedication to my site. I would appreciate it if you would post my Sites on your facebooks or any other social site you have. even other blogs. here are the site I would like help spreading the word about. thank you.

Elaina E'Lyn  

Hello once more. I see you guys have not noticed where it says did you find it interesting funny useful ect. Please be sure to rate it. thank you!
Elaina E'Lyn

My page veiws are higher than ever and i wanted to thank all of you for that. You people are what keep my blog alive. be sure to leave comments and feed back on what you think, thank you!
Elaina E'Lyn

Forgive me for being away so long. I have had home life things happen (none bad) but still it took up more of my time to fix. So I would like to see people start commenting on this site or ask questions through the chat box at the bottom of the page. I get email notifications when people try to contact me on any of my sites. please, feel free to apply to this pack. I look at eat and every application thoroughly before making decisions thanks for your time.
Elaina E'Lyn.  

I have decided that I will be more picky about who I let into My pack. If you wish to join, I will be wanting a very detail explanation for it. My pack is family and friends, you must treat others in the pack as such. That is what took me so long to post.... I was thinking.
Elaina E'Lyn

I have had many things happen lately. I apologize for not  being active on my site. I have been working and Then there's my family business.  And just general stress. If anyone wishes to contact me Directly, you may do so at
Elaina E'Lyn

Things have been all wishy washy lately but I still have been running this pack. I am happy to announce that may of our members here find it so wonderful they tried recruiting their friends. we are larger in numbers but not too large.
Elaina E'Lyn